You are currently viewing Temporary tattoos for MMA and Fitness Gym Businesses
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Temporary tattoos for MMA and Fitness Gym Businesses

Our company creates custom temporary tattoos for MMA and Fitness Gym Businesses. 

If you get 500 or more then the back of each tattoo has event info like a fun business card! Our prices are below.

  • 50 quantity = $140
  • 100 quantity = $240
  • 200 quantity = $390
  • 500 quantity = $540
  • 1000 quantity = $655
  • 3000 quantity = $1290
  • 5000 quantity = $1750
  • 10,000 quantity = $2550

You can sell and make huge profits or just hand them out. For example:

  • 5000 quantity – 1.5×1.5 inch tattoos = $1750
  • Your price per unit = 35 cents each
  • Sell for $5.00 each and you make – $21,450!

Custom Backing with your Business Information on back

Great for All Ages
Temporary tattoos work great for Elementary Schools, Junior Highs and High schools

Goes on with water
Simple application only takes 30 seconds or less

Fundraising Perfection
Make thousands of dollar reselling to parents, fans, community

Fun Business Card
All your school information is on the back of every temporary tattoo

​FDA Approved
All temporary tattoos completely safe and printed with vegetable dye